Computing for All is a chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery Council on Women in Computing (ACM-W). It supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of diversity in all aspects of the computing field and working in the larger community to advance the contributions of minorities in technology. You can find more information about the national organization here.
On the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's campus, Computing for All focuses on supporting and advocating for our diverse population in computing. We plan and engage in events both on campus and in the Lincoln community. Past events include photo shoots for the Sit With Me campaign (pictured below) and volunteering at Lincoln's Hour of Code.
Our Code of Conduct
Be welcoming
We welcome one and all, and our space is a safe, inclusive place.
Our community is based on mutual respect, tolerance, and understanding, and we labor to help one another live up to these principles: whoever you are and whatever your background, we welcome you.
Be mindful
We assume good intentions and strive to be empathetic.
It is not uncommon to feel frustrated from time to time, but making it personal is unacceptable. Such times, give not just yourself grace, but also extend the same to members and guests of our community.
Be collaborative
We are volunteers working towards common goals.
We welcome collaboration, will do so transparently, and would involve as many interested parties as early as possible. We will keep all who are concerned informed of our progress.
Be aware
We are aware our words and actions impact others.
Know that discriminatory, derogatory, and exclusionary conduct – spoken or written – will not be tolerated. Be kind to others, do not insult or put down anybody. Thoughtfulness often means reevaluating what we consider permissible.
When we do not concur, we consult others
When we do not concur, we will not let it persist and fester leaving the community in a state of uncertainty. We will resolve differences, do so amicably, and solicit assistance if need be.
When unsure, we seek help
Nobody knows everything, and while we aim for excellence, we are cognizant nobody is perfect. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, so questions are welcome and asking for help is encouraged.
Our stance
We will not tolerate abuse of any kind. If you or someone you notice feels threatened or violated, please speak up and ask it to stop. Code violators will be given a warning followed, in the case of a repeat offender, by intervention by university staff to remove the offender from the space. Refer people to our Code of Conduct and point out such behavior is unwelcome. You can contact an executive committee member either in person, by email (conductreport.unlacmw@gmail.com) or anonymously by use of the Bias Box in Avery 28G.
Sit With Me
The Sit With Me campaign is a national effort coordinated by the National Center for Women & Information Technology. The campaign asks people of all backgrounds to sit in a red chair (provided by the campaign) to show their support for women in technology. Computing for All has expanded our local campaigns to include all diversity in technology. More photos can be found on the "Photos" tab at the top of the page.